特大型新红宝类型品种,晚熟,40天左右,平均单瓜重10公斤,最大单瓜重20公斤,瓜长椭圆形,皮绿色,偏深,皮厚度1.0厘米硬韧,耐贮运,红肉,中心糖12度,边糖10度,肉质爽脆,甘甜可口,植株长势强健,抗病性极强。Very strong plant, Medium-late maturity about 40 days from fruit setting to ripeness,Big size fruit about 10kg average each in weight 20kg the biggest one。 Green firm skin is suitable for long distance shipping。 Red flesh is very crisp, Juicy, sweet, and delicious。 Sugar content about 12°in centre, Good resistance to diseases。
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